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Our managment.

John Harrison
Site Owner/ Warden

John Harrison is the Owner of the caravan park as well as taking the role of site warden.

If you have any problems with the site or if you need any support on the site please email:

and your message will be passed on strait away. Or call/text John (07913418416)

Joyce Burn
Committe Chair

Helen Bell and Joyce Burn have the job of taking the ideas from the residents of the site and making them reality. They are also responsible for arranging events that are held on the site.

All ideas can be emailed to:

Helen Bell
Committe Chair

Helen Bell and Joyce Burn have the job of taking the ideas from the residents of the site and making them reality. They are also responsible for arranging events that are held on the site.

All ideas can be emailed to:

Liam Bell
Digital and Promotional Product Leader

Liam Bell has the role of creating all of the promotional products for events that are ran on the site whilst also monitoring the site Facebook Page and updating the website.


Ideas for news peaces and ideas for website can be emailed to:


Updates to the site will be added as soon as possible.


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